“This was my 3rd Girl You Gotta Pray and every time the presence of God shows up. I love how it’s a safe place to refill. The Holy Spirit is so thick! This last one I took my mom. She had just had knee surgery and the Holy Spirit showed up to heal her. She went up and the laying on of hands happened. After the event she said she felt that it felt hot when the apostle laid hands. She began to weep. Fast forward she’s finished her physical therapy and went to the Dr. to see if there was a blood clot because I guess there was concern for one. Praise be to God there wasn’t and her knee is healing nicely. I believe the prayers that were prayed at GYGP covered her to full recovery. She had been struggling for years with bone on bone rubbing and pain. She is now walking much better and had a full recovery! Thank you for creating an atmosphere for God to meet His people. Him meeting her goes to show He really is the God who sees and GYGP is the atmosphere that proves He is and His miracles, signs, and wonders are for today.”

“Girl You Gotta Pray holds a special place in my heart and walk with God. GYGP created a safe place for me and acted as a bridge, for me to give God my yes and rededicating my life back to Him. I know for sure that God divinely orchestrated for me to be in that place, at that time. The ministers are anointed and speak the Heart of God. The atmosphere is so pure and beautiful. At each GYGP gathering I attend, the presence of God is tangible and He has met me at each one. I’ve never once felt judged or condemned, only loved and accepted. Now I’ve been to every GYGP gathering and it’s hard to believe but they get better and better. We go higher and higher!”

From a prayer journal to prayer brunches. I’m so proud and happy that Aunna gave God her yes, because GYGP is exactly what so many women didn’t know they needed. The event and speakers are great but the way that the Holy Spirit fills the room is amazing and I’m glad I get to witness it every event. I always feel so spiritually full when leaving. I can’t wait until the next event and all of what’s to come.